Another Return

April 10, 2011

Any of you still reading are probably sick of my “more off than on” blogging.

Hockey season is nearing its end and has been quite busy lately. My Kings have made the playoffs, but are with out 2 of our top offensive players. Especially depending up on our matchup, it may be a short stint in the post-season.

Anyway, with up to 4 games a week and my “new” job, the thought of blogging made my eyes cross. (Now THAT may have made for some interesting posts!) So to catch you up:

New job is going very well. First two months were insanely rough and I thought I was going to be fired! Somehow, it all clicked and now I feel relatively secure.

Hockey has ruled my life since October. Here’s hoping that will continue through June – that would mean (a very unlikely) trip to the Stanley Cup Finals.

One of my goals was to work on my health. I’ve made some small improvements in my dietary habits, but most notably I cancelled our gym membership. Before you wonder if I’m off my rocker, know that I bought a fancy schmancy new treadmill! It’s the Nordic Track x7i Incline trainer. You know, the one where you can have Jillian Michaels of Biggest Loser fame “coach” you? Mostly, we got it because it has a -6% decline and 40% incline. I haven’t managed to get beyond 20% and that totally kicked my ass.

I’ve committed to a friend to do a 5k on July 4th assuming I’m in town. It’s at a beach town near LA so it shouldn’t be scorchingly hot. And I hear it’s relatively flat, so that will be good on my knees. I want to be able to run it, but right now I’m only running for 30 seconds – 2 minutes for every 5-7 minutes I walk.

Our backyard is a DISASTER. The front is looking better. I planted Calla Lily’s last weekend. They’ve been pretty hardy and don’t require maintenance. Now if only I can keep the neighborhood cats from using the planter box as a cat box… and of course that attracts neighborhood dogs looking for “snacks”… ewww!

The hubby is off tyring to sell one of his project cars he never did any work on. So that means I’m anxiously waiting by the phone for either a SOS call, or a “come pick me up” call. Here’s hoping it’s the latter!

That friend is expecting – due in mid-August. More drama there, but I’ll have to chronicle that later.

And with that disjointed update, I’m signing off. No promises on when I’ll be back. My intention with this blog has always been to simply have fun with it and use it as an outlet. 🙂

Tucking Tickets

January 9, 2011

Bitten’s a bit under the weather thanks to all the sick people who were on my flights, so I’ll keep this short.

Over the last few days, I noticed two different people and how they store their tickets differently than me. Most recently, I was at a Motorsports event and the gentleman sitting next to me was dressed in olive green sweats, brown socks and white tennies. What really tied together his outfit was the fact he accessorized his shoe with his event ticket. How I do not envy the ticket checker people! EWW!

Then, on my flight to Arizona, I noticed another unique ticket holding tactic. We hit the tarmac and began our hour-long taxi to the gate (anyone that’s been to PHX knows what I’m talking about). I began looking around out of sheer boredom (no electronic devices allowed yet) and saw an older man seated several rows ahead of me. He was looking to his right and I noticed his ball cap appeared to still have the tag on it (ala Minnie Pearl). However, when he looked to his left, I realized that it wasn’t a tag, but something much larger. Upon more intense inspection, I realize it’s his boarding pass clipped to his cap with… a BINDER CLIP!!! Wow. Maybe this is the adult version of traveling with your name and instructions pinned to your shirt?

Do any of you employ these ticket holding tactics? Or do you act like the rest of the world and stick your ticket in your wallet or pocket?

Hold Please…

January 5, 2011

Bitten is buried.

Bloggin will resume once she has dug out of the avalanche.

Send a search party if no posts are loaded by Saturday.

10 Pounds of Sh!t…

January 5, 2011

It's a puzzle to make it all fit - that's for sure!

I like puzzles. I like to be prepared. I like to have choices. Que the heaviest suitcase you’ve ever seen for its’ size. I’m only going to be gone 3 days, but one day requires a suit – YUCK – one day requires business casual (travel day – YUCK) and the other is totally casual. Plus, I’m staying at my boss’ place, so “normal” pj’s are required. And, I have no clue what we’re doing for dinners – if we’re going out and if it’s casual. And toiletries. I swear this is where the weight comes in. Shampoo, conditioner, hair tamer, shaving cream, razor, face wash (3 bottles), body wash (just one bottle), toothpaste, electric toothbrush, and so on. My toiletry bag takes up half the suitcase. My boots take up 1/3 of the remaining space. After my suit, that doesn’t leave me much in the way of space. I wish I had a suitcase that was just a bit bigger. But something tells me I would end up with the same problem.

If you haven’t already guessed, I buy many things in bulk. If I find a product I like, such as shampoo, I buy the biggest bottle I can find. My favorite products have a way of being discontinued right after I discover them. Don’t laugh (okay, maybe do laugh) I couldn’t find a bottle to put my hair tamer in. (The 10 gallon jug just isn’t going to fit.) I ended up using a small Rubbermaid container, placed nicely inside a ziplock baggie – just in case.

If you travel with me, you’ll also see the biggest purse ever. In my purse alone, I have my make-up, me technological accessories (laptop cord, phone charger, iPod charger, phone and iPod – unfortunately the laptop won’t fit), carry on liquids (hand sanitizer – and do they count lip gloss as liquid?), other girlie stuff, my wallet, an envirosac and a pair of shoes. Not just any pair, but my favorite (for work). Don’t ask my why I’m bringing them – I guess because they can be casual or dressy depending on the outfit. Plus I just can’t leave them behind. I wear them at least twice a week.

But wait, there’s more! (I just LOVE saying that!) I have my laptop bag. That’s got my 8 1/2 x 11 planner, laptop and work I have to bring with me. That puppy is packed full too! I can barely get it all zipped. But it’s going on the plane with me, and the laptop comes out as soon as possible (thank you Wi-fi in the sky!) so it won’t be stretched to the max for long.

So it’s off to Arizona I go… just for a couple of days. I’m sure there will be stories aplenty after this trip. Afterall, airports are seriously good fodder for blogging.

California Dreamin’

January 4, 2011

My dreams are NOT recharging me!

The new year has brought totally bizarre dreams to my life. Normally, I’m not one to remember my dreams. But in the last few days, I can recall three dreams from three different nights. The first dream, I was kidnapped by Mexican gang-bangers. I was transported to a secret location with an uncomfortable seat in the trunk of a car. Once at the secret location, I was shackled, and watched by a one-armed gang member. When he left the room, I found a way to make a phone call, but he returned before I connected with anyone. He then proceeded to stab me in the top of the head with a knife. Strangely, it didn’t hurt or bleed.

Then, the next night, I dreamt I was kidnapped, but by my ex-boyfriend. I haven’t talked to him since before I moved to SoCal in ’97. Anyway, he somehow kidnapped me, tied me to a chair on a boat, and threatened to knock me out with a fire extinguisher (the big kind you see mounted on semi trucks) if I didn’t play nice. My alarm sounded before I could determine what that scumbag wanted. (This guy was a real gem, but the topper was when I told him I was done, he tried to throw me down a flight of stairs. He gave up when he realized he was going with me if it was happening at all. A-hole.)

And the dream from the night before last was strange as well, but no kidnapping thank God! I dreamt I was driving through a beach town (local spot, I used to live there) and saw a coworker (that lives in Utah) standing in front of a restaurant. Then, beaches came into view. I quickly realize that what I see at the shore are not rocks, but GIANT beached whales! I mean tons of them. They were all still alive, but almost all of them were just about completely beached. There were people all over trying to push these beasts back in the water to save them. I wanted to help, but couldn’t find anywhere I could stop.

Whatever all this means, you now have a glimpse into the inner workings of my noggin’.

Rain Delay

January 3, 2011

rain, rain, go away!

I’m here, with all of my extremities intact. We can blame (thank?) the weather.

My first priority yesterday was to remove all evidence of Christmas. Strange how it takes hours (even days) to put everything up, but when it comes time to pack up, just two hours will do it! While I tackled the inside of the house, Hubby mowed the lawns (front and half of the back – more on that another time) and then pulled down our lights.

By the time he needed me to hold the ladder so he could climb on the roof, it was already starting to rain.

Phew – off the hook. But I’m so sick of the rain! Instead of trying to kill me by way of roller blades, we took our lives into our own hands and went to Best Buy to exchange a game and to the grocery store. We did make it back, thank God!

Probable Cause of my Demise

January 2, 2011

The boot looks pretty like my hockey skates. My actual roller blades are used. And ugly

New year’s eve, hubby & I decided that rollerblading would be a fantabulous idea to get me more comfortable on my hockey skates. (Yeah, I have hockey skates, but can’t skate.) So off we went in search of blades for me. I guess this was a popular gift item because no one had my size in stock. We ended up at “Play it Again Sports” (used sporting goods store) and what do you know? We found some Bauer’s (same brand as my hockey skates) in my size – for $22. What a deal!

Now, none of you actually KNOW me. But if you did, you would know that this is a bad idea. REALLY BAD. I can’t walk from my bedroom to the kitchen (maybe 40 feet) without hurting myself, banging into a wall or falling down. I’m convinced office furniture is out to get me. It just jumps into my path. Granted, most of the injuries are minor flesh wounds, but no fun none-the-less. However, I am completely able to ride both street and dirt bikes without much trouble. So maybe that “law” will apply here. (Although I can tell you it didn’t apply to my ice skating ability.)

So today, we’ll be off to some unsuspecting basketball court somewhere trying to off me. If I never return, now you know why.

Dumb Sh!t People Say (and do)

January 2, 2011

This is bound to be the first of many posts of this nature…

After 6 days of straight rain, we had super cold weather (for here) once it stopped raining. Of course, we had a hockey game, and coming into the parking lot, the nice girl bodes us a warning: “Be careful out here, it’s cold.” Ummm – okay… I’m dressed for a hockey game, so it’s cool I tell her. She looks at me quizzically and asks, “Is it cold in there?” How do I answer this? Um – yeah, honey, they play on ICE!!! Wow. That one blew me away.

How about that group of people that walking down a crowded street or sidewalk and insists on walking SIDE BY SIDE BY SIDE BY SIDE!!! Are they intentionally blocking the way? Or are they just oblivious? (And I worry about being rude by pushing through them.)

They must be the same people that get on the freeway at 35 mph, and stop at green right turn arrows. I know a lady and her mantra is “Common Sense Is Unattractive” – how true that is!

As Seen on TV

January 1, 2011

Easy Feet.

Wow – what will they think of next? I mean really? I happened to catch the commercial for these yesterday and could not believe my eyes. Actually, it’s not even the product that made me so incredulous. It was the commercial.

As someone with a bit (not much) of marketing/advertising experience, I can say with full authority, this commercial was like watching a train wreck. It was so bad – but you just can’t tear yourself away. At no time, however, did it occur to me that this might be a product I can’t live without.

So the idea is that you pour liquid soap over the straps that cross the tops of your feet. Then, it trickles down and as you kick your legs, the soap suds’ up and cleans your feet. There’s a pumice stone on each heel of the shoe. (How in the hell are you supposed to use that on any other part of your foot if you can’t reach your feet?) Okay, so this is a typical “as seen on TV” type product – right up there with Ginsu knives… so get ready for it… yes, they said it! “But wait – there’s more!” (Actually, that’s one of my favorite lines when uttered with the appropriate inflection of sarcasm.) You can get TWO pairs of shoes!

I was so annoyed by this commercial that I had to check out the website.

Copied from their website:

Each Buy One, Get One FREE set includes two Easy Feet shoes for only $14.99 plus $7.99 for each shoe. This offer is covered by a 30 day money back guarantee less S&H.

And then: “Just pay separate  $7.99 S&H for each easy feet shoe.”

Ummmm… So, you get 2 pair for $14.99 but you have to pay in excess of $32 for S&H? Wow – not reading the fine print will really screw you on this one!

I’m not entirely sure why this ad really stuck in my craw, but it’s been bugging me for a fill 24 hours. So now it can bug you too! It’s the season of sharing, right?

Peeve Purge

December 31, 2010

My comment about negative posts and rants has really stuck with me. So I thought, in honor of the impending shiny new year, why not publicly purge my peeves? (That sounds like something that should be done in private, doesn’t it?) So here it goes in no particular order:

  • When people speak over me when I’m speaking (especially when they have just asked for an answer or my opinion)
  • People who bathe in fragrance knowing they will be in close quarters – such as seated close together at a hockey game. No, no matter HOW expensive the “fragrance” it does NOT mean a) it smells good nor b) it will cover up your funk
  • People who have that gnarly B.O. that we call funk – YUCK
  • Bad breath and mouth breathers – especially in confined places. If you drink a lot of coffee or have a cold, chew gum or keep your mouth shut when you’re in close proximity to others.
  • Drivers that jump in front of you to slam on the brakes – especially when there’s no one behind you
  • What my friend refers to as “smacking” when eating – you know, the people who swish liquid like mouthwash and chew with their mouths open
  • When people let doors slam shut on you when it’s obvious you have your hands full
  • Drivers that don’t let pedestrians have their (rightful) right of way in the pouring rain
  • Pedestrians that cross against the signal in front of cars
  • People in the locker room at the gym that run around with nothing (and I mean literally NOTHING) on – and then feel it necessary to inspect their toes – without taking a seat. GAH I do not need to see your business!
  • Know it-all’s – particularly when they know NOTHING about the topic
  • Intolerance. Granted, I don’t agree with many things people do, but I don’t shove my beliefs and opinions down their throats. (Remember, you’re reading this of your own free will – I’m not forcing you! LOL)
  • Taggers. Especially when it’s on private property. The homeowner is fined if THEY don’t take care of cleaning it up, yet the cities let it stay for weeks, if not months.
  • Political ad campaigns.
  • Drug advertisements. If the drug companies weren’t allowed to advertise (think of the restrictions on tobacco & alcohol) and they took even a small portion of that budget and put it towards research for things like cancer and Alzheimer’s, just think what kind of progress could be made.
  • Socks that end up around your toes in boots.
  • Boots that don’t stay up.
  • People that fart in public. Is it really necessary to inflict that kind of nasal pain on unsuspecting passers-by?
  • Dog owners that do not clean up their dog’s shit on my lawn.
  • Adult acne. Isn’t it enough we had to deal with that shit as awkward teenagers?
  • Store workers that ignore you. I was shopping for roller blades today (more on this later) and in two different stores, I was completely ignored! Just because I’m an over-weight chick doesn’t mean I can’t learn to Rollerblade. And when I do finally get some help, don’t “ma’am” me.

By all means, this list is not conclusive.

What are your peeves?

One a day… that’s all they ask

December 30, 2010

I noticed a little headline while I was becoming re-acquainted with my wordpress surroundings. It said something along the lines of “want to write more?” Why yes, I think I do. I often find myself feeling that I don’t have much of interest to write about. More often than not, posts turn into rants, and I don’t want to be negative like that. I think this will be a good way to keep a more positive tone. I AM generally a positive person, after all.

But I digress. The link brought me to a sort of challenge to either write every day, or once a week. I think I will shoot for once a week, because who wants to listen to my babble daily? Not even me! (Or my cat!) And I think my husband would be happy if I never babbled again.

Hey, look! A squirrel! Anyway, I think once a week is more my speed. WordPress is giving us little inspirations, so maybe that will help me feel more… um, relevant maybe? So for those of you that have stumbled your way here (and even those of you I promised to pay to visit) – let me know what you think about any of the stuff I blather on about.

Oh – and who’s with me?

See ya next year!

It’s safe to say

December 30, 2010

that my efforts to simplify my life have been undermined by that pesky job. It’s been since June since I last revisited this topic.

  • Sewing machine is still gathering dust in the back bedroom. I had grand notions (ha, notions, get it?) of making cute gift bags for Christmas presents this year. Let’s just say I’m STILL shopping, so that didn’t happen.
  • I have NOT been cooking much. I do, however, have a shiny new oven. It’s not the pretty blue interiored number I drool over, but it works great. There’s a cafeteria in my building, so I often have a sandwich or tacos for lunch, although I will be making a much greater effort to cut back in coming months. Even if that simply means bringing sandwich stuff to work and doing it there.
  • Less daytime TV – MAJOR SUCCESS! (Thanks to being gainfully employed.)
  • Keeping the house tidy… I’m getting there. My kitchen is normally presentable, the bed is usually made and the living room is much less of a disaster.
  • Remembering my reuseable grocery bags: I’m normally pretty good with this since I usually remember to put them back in my car.
  • Clearing clutter: Doing well, and it seems to be rubbing off on hubby. Maybe Flylady was right?
  • Gardening: It has been raining, no scratch that, POURING more days than it hasn’t lately. This does not bode well for vegetation in my life.
  • Purchasing less: I can honestly say I really evaluate the value of a purchase (unless it’s chocolate or alcohol) before spontaneously tossing it in my cart.
  • Doing stuff that’s FUN: working cuts down on time for this… although Hockey has been my life recently, and I expect it to stay that way until spring. Other than that, I’m throwing sleep in the “fun” column because I just don’t get enough!

In this time of re/evaluation and introspection, what are your goals for the next year? What’s your focus? (Or do you have add like me?) Where have you seen success? What’s been your most important adjustment?

Screw you, Superior Court

December 29, 2010

That’s right, I said what everyone’s thinking. Especially when you pull you mail in and discover a jury summons. For VALENTINE’S DAY. Excellent. I guess it could have been worse and landed on my birthday.

It was just about a year ago that I was summoned for service. I called in the night before and was told to report. Of course, I was unemployed so it wasn’t that big of a deal. But those were the days of attempting to please all the relatives by travelling to them at Christmas so I had plans! After being late (I got lost in the parking structure and couldn’t find the courthouse – only me!) I found myself parked for the day. Nearing the end of the day, I ended up in a courtroom with a bunch of other potentials… they selected the jury two people before I was going to be called.

Now, with my fancy schmancy new job, I actually get paid for jury duty, which pretty much seals my fate. It’s not that I mind doing my civic duty and all that, it’s just that so many cases should never get to this point in the first place. Plus, who is going to do my mountains of work while I’m being a juror? Sigh… SCREW YOU SUPERIOR COURT! (I know… that’s not helping my case, but somehow, I doubt any of the judges are reading…)

Holiday Thoughts

December 27, 2010

This year, my husband and I decided (before my grandfather’s death) that we would not be travelling for the holidays. Every year, in the 13 years we have been together, we have driven all over to please relatives. Sometimes this meant traversing both California and Nevada. Battling holiday traffic and navigating winter weather (okay, I know our weather is nothing compared to other areas of the world) and putting up with family drama is just not the kind of “relaxation” I want to do during my limited time off.

So the foot was put down, and the families dealt with it. And we did everything (mostly nothing) we wanted. We spent time with neighbors and at hockey. (And of course each other.) Just the perfect time off! Because it was just us, the pressure to participate in excess was much lower. I think we’ve started a new tradition.

And for the new year: I’ve already begun to purge! I’ve pulled two trash bags of clothing from my closet to either garage sale or donate. We spent several hours going though paperwork and magazines and tossing away! It feels so good to dump all this stuff. I want to continue working on this at least one day each week. (Not the whole day, just a little bit at the minimum.)

Also for the new year, I want to be healthier. This includes eating at home more and exercising more. It also includes keeping the house tidier and cleaner. Not that we live in a hovel… but we definitely have room to improve. And this will keep us in a better place mentally, plus it will be nice to open our home to friends. I think the focus of simplification remains… We did well with not bringing more clutter into the home in the form of Christmas gifts, so I call that a win!

I found myself missing you…

December 27, 2010

First, thank you all for checking in periodically over the last few months. It means a lot to know you care!

It’s been a bittersweet second half of the year. I am finally employed! YAY! While I’m making considerably less than I was at my last job, I AM making a bit more than I was on unemployment. Also, hockey season has begun and my boys are doing well.

Things have been rough on the health front. My one relative recently diagnosed with leukemia is still fighting the fight. He’s had some rough spots, but overall is doing ok. I have another relative with a different form of leukemia and he too is still trudging though treatments.

The really sad news is that I lost my grandfather on the 17th of December. He was in his 90’s and in so much pain. The doctor think’s he had a blood clot – probably in his lung. My grandmother is still hanging on, even though she battles with advanced Alzheimer’s. I feel that it’s cruel to make her relive the loss of her husband so many times, but on the other hand, I don’t feel it’s right to lie to her. Such are the dilemmas for the family of those with this terrible disease.

So, about my job. I am essentially an account manager supporting client needs and my outside sales people. The environment is excellent – everyone is caring and supportive. This is the most difficult job I’ve ever had, but I really like it. It’s like working on a puzzle all day, which I find challenging and rewarding. Our product is one of education in a sort or personal/professional development nature.

I know I won’t be back posting as often as I had before (I mean hey – I had no job!). I do plan on posting when the mood strikes, such as now. 🙂 I’m excited to jump back in and catch up with the wonderful bloggers on my blogroll!

Cancer Strikes Again

July 19, 2010

I found out a couple days ago that a close relative has been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (T-Cell). And I’m really, really worried. I’m being vague to respect my relative’s privacy, even though I’m not aware of anyone that knows me personally visiting this blog.

So far we don’t know much. I’m told this week will mark a series of doctor’s visits that will include a full body scan, PET scan and chemo visit #1.  It turns out that there are two types of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma – B cell and T cell. T cell seems to be the one they have a rougher time treating in most cases. What I’m most worried about is their attitude. This person has a tendency to pessimism all their life.

So now I’ve got a relative (child) with Leukemia, and now one with Lymphoma. While I couldn’t participate in the LLS activities this year, several of my friends are. I will be supporting them any way I can. In the meantime, I’ll be researching and trying to find things that will help while they endure the coming treatments. (If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know!) I realize I’ve been posting intermittently before this… I can’t say how this diagnosis might affect my presence here.

If you’re one that prays, I’m asking! And while you’re at it, hubby has an appointment to get some suspicious looking moles checked on Friday.

If it’s not one thing…

July 15, 2010

…then it’s another.

We got our wall knocked down (still need to do some more work on it – mudding, sanding, painting, etc.). It looks great! I love the open feel. I also got my kitchen counter tiles cut & glued back on. Well, when I say I “got” them done, I did it, with some help from MIL. Next step is grout. Turns out we got the wrong grout color. Thankfully I realized this before I started applying it!

Then, we realize our oven isn’t working. WTF? It’s one of the little in-wall jobs. Only like 24 inches. Not easy to find. Oh, and a while back the door on our ice chute quit opening. So if you don’t stick your finger up the hole to hold the door open, the ice doesn’t come down. Key problem here is that it will eventually come down when there’s enough backed up pushing it out. Hubby seemed to  think that worked just fine. Until the ice melted & refroze into a solid block in the chute. NOT FUN!

So, I called out an appliance repair guy. The part for the oven (let’s call it the brain) has been discontinued. Seriously? The freakin thing is only 10 years old!! The part for the fridge is only $15. Labor is $69. But I’m stuck, so I tell him to get the part & come back. He also says he can find basically an aftermarket part for the oven. It will run between $300-375 to fix including labor. Well, this is AT LEAST halfway to a new oven. Thing is, I don’t want a separate oven & cooktop. I have three sections of counter top that are about 1 foot max. If I could get rid of the cooktop, I would gain another 36″ of counter, PLUS the area on either side.

My quandary now is what kind of range to get? I REALLY REALLY REALLY want a smooth top. That means electric. Of course, the kitchen is not set up for electric. We have plans to completely remodel the kitchen in the next few years. So, do I cheap out now & buy new then? Or do I just get what I want now and make sure it will work in the grand plan? I was leaning towards the latter, but the choices for electric ranges are slim. Sure you can find them online, but you don’t have a clue about what they REALLY look like. And all the stores charge a 25% restocking fee if you return it because you don’t like it. (I understand it costs them money to return, but how am I supposed to know how the racks slide? What the configuration is? How the door opens? All with just a photo – that is a thumbnail no less – to base my decision?)

The only one I could actually see was an Electrolux (you know, Kelly Ripa’s brand? LOL) and it was $3000. Before tax, delivery & extended warranty. The least expensive I could find online is $1200. If I just went with a freestanding gas model, I could probably get away under $1000. We’re fortunate to have a Sears outlet (scratch & dent) nearby, and I have the time to shop it daily if I have to. But they don’t even CARRY the electric models I want, so the chances of them getting a return is pretty darned slim.

Oh, and part of the reason I just want to get a new range is because the grates on my cooktop are basically destroyed. I called to see about replacing them (all four, because they are junk) and they want…. drumroll…. $95. EACH. I asked the guy if they were gold-plated. Or at the very least, self-cleaning. Unfortunately, neither.

Damn. I just need to win the freaking lottery.

Moxie Star

July 15, 2010

You know, like movie star?

This crazy cat was an ANGEL for the camera! All they were doing was giving tips (brushing teeth, bathing, etc.) and petting her while they spoke. She was essentially a living prop. She was kinda sketched out at first because the guy behind the camera was tall, broad and had a deep voice, plus, the room had a tile floor (like the vet). Once I got her out of her carrier and brushed her for a minute, she was ready to roll! I think she really liked the intense heat from the set lights. The hardest part of the ordeal was re-assembling her carrier. (Told you she was sketched! She wouldn’t come out!)

Her clips should be available to view in about two weeks. Oh, and she was so good they have requested her back!! I better be careful or she’ll start the crazy demands. I’ll post links once they are up.


July 9, 2010

Perspective is such a funny thing! 

Yesterday I had a bit of a difficult day. I wasn’t feeling great and I attempted to grout my new kitchen tiles. My mother-in-law helped me gather up all the supplies at the local hardware store. I have no one to blame but myself – I ended up with the wrong grout color. And of course, I didn’t realize it until AFTER I had mixed it. Oh, and a 25 lb. bag was the smallest unit they had. BAAAA I had also been thinking a lot about “that friend” and all her issues. (No contact for days which is really unusual!) I guess you could say I was having a bit of a pity party. Everyone has those days, right? 

Well, after dinner, hubby & I went for a little cruise in my old Bug that we’ve been working on. We had a loop going where we’d drive by a friend’s house, but he was never home. Until tonight. Now this guy is a walking soap opera. And the perfect one to put anyone’s problems back in proper perspective. His second (?) wife used to be a nice, relatively normal girl. They got pregnant and there were complications. She decided to carry him and he ended up being still-born. I really don’t know the details, but that is a terrible tragedy. She suffered extreme depression (who wouldn’t?) and started taking all sorts of pills (prescribed). They had another baby, and he’s doing great (he’s around seven now). She, however, is a mess. 

NOT the couple in question


By mess, I mean she belongs on Maury. Or Jerry. Or Steve Wilcox. Or any of those shows. Maybe even Dr. Phil. She is so messed up on drugs, she doesn’t know which end is up. The parents have alway fought – and I mean knock-down, drag-out fights. The cops know them on a first name basis. Fast-forward: they are divorced, he got screwed in the deal, she’s still messed up on meds, and they have mutual restraining orders. (She’s a trust fund baby, and he’s self-made, mostly from real estate. They live in the most affluent cities in our half of the state too.) 

It seems she had a bit of an accident a few weeks ago, involving compound fractures. Of course this means more meds. And we’re told she’s using alcohol to wash them down. She, in her drug induced fog, just knows they are not divorced so she’s parked herself in his house (much to his current girlfriend’s dismay). Of course, it’s his fault because he’s let her stay for weeks. I’m sure he feels sorry for the mother of his only son, but c’mon pal! 

We found all of this out last night when we stopped by. She was threatening to throw him out. He was convinced the cops would be there any minute. We’re worried about the kid! (Kid does great when she’s not in the picture. He’s an amazing dad.) They are both bound for jail since they’re in violation of the respective restraining orders. What a mess.  Nothing like walking in on something like that (well, we stayed in the driveway, but still) to bring my piddly gripes into proper perspective! 

And yes, what’s up with the crazies in my life? 


Note: If I thought for one minute that the child was in any immediate danger,  the police would have been summoned immediately. There were several responsible adults at our friend’s home, and the boy knows them well. Sad as it is, this is a version of “normal” for this family.

Diva Moxie

July 8, 2010

Well, I guess I’m a “stage mom” now!

This picture garnered my sweet little Moxie cat the opportunity to be in a video for a national publication!  So guess what that means? BATH TIME FOR KITTY THIS WEEKEND! She doesn’t really like baths, but she allows me to bathe her. So I’ll fluff her all up, make her smell nice, and hopefully that will translate into a nice, polite kitty. Our call time is Monday at 10. Right in the middle of her morning snooze fest. Assuming this goes well, hopefully she’ll come out of there with the same size ego she already has. Lord knows she doesn’t need to think she’s any cuter than what she already thinks! And God help me if there are demands for homemade cat food, freshly grown catnip or a silver food dish. Let’s keep it in check kitten!

I’m sure by this time on Monday, I’ll have more to tell you about what this is. All I know is that it’s a segment on tips for cat owners. Stay tuned!!